Feltham, Hounslow, London sold out

Quick Facts



Site Information
The site is located on the south-eastern edge of lower Feltham in the greater Hounslow area of west London. The site is generally level and was farmed under arable rotation. Feltham is a large town in the Hounslow borough of west London and is commuter belt for London as well as supporting the employment needs of Heathrow Airport, 2 miles to its north.

Our Planning Department Comments
- Feltham falls under the Borough of Hounslow in west London who are currently preparing a new Local Plan designed to cover the plan period until 2036. The Local Plan has been split into two sections, the "West of Borough" and the "Great Western Corridor" documents. Feltham lies within the West of Borough area.
- The emerging plan has identified several strategic allocations and smaller sites in order to meet the identified need of the previous London Plan over the plan period. To assist in this a strategic Greenbelt review was held. This review identified the site due north of ours to be suitable for release and was taken forward in the assessment however, as our site was not formally promoted at that time, it was not.
- Since the adoption of the new London Plan in February 2020, Hounslow and its emerging plan are now deficient in terms of meeting its new identified housing requirements. As yet, Hounslow have not made any indication as to how they intend to address the shortfall, but the plan is being submitted for examination towards the end of 2021 although no confirmed timetable has been provided. This examination process will identify the need for additional sites and our site will be promoted to LPA for allocation within the emerging plan to address the shortfall. We believe this process will take 3 – 5 years.
Latest Planning Update
Hounslow continue to work on the creation of a Borough Wide Local Plan as opposed to their original segregated plan.
Work commenced late last year and has continued through the course of 2024 with the consultation on the Regulation 19 single Plan having been started in Q3 this year.
We continue to promote our site where appropriate, but we also anticipate there to be some positive impact from the Planning and Infrastructure Bill once implemented.