Quick Facts



Site Information
Our latest strategic land investment site is located on the north western edge of Holt, Wiltshire, close to the historical city of Bath. On successful allocation of the site for residential use, it is projected that investors will enjoy a close to 200% return over a 3-4 year period. This equates to an approximately 17.5% annualised return.
The site is located directly adjacent to the idyllic settlement of Holt and is approximately 8 acres in size. Holt is within the County of Wiltshire approximately 3 miles from the town of Bradford-on-Avon and 10 miles from the city of Bath. Holt as a settlement has a range of excellent services and facilities and has ample capacity to accommodate future housing development therefore making our site a Sustainable Urban Extension Site. The site is located to the north west of the settlement and has existing residential development to the south and east with access off Leigh Road linking it to the B310. The site is within walking distance of the services and facilities mentioned previously.

Our Planning Department Comments
- Wiltshire County Council is the administrative authority and they have produced a new Core Strategy which is due to be adopted by the Committee in January 2015.
- This Plan proposes a minimum of 42,000 homes over the plan period to 2026. Within the Bradford-on-Avon Community Area (to which Holt specifically falls within) there is a requirement for 185 new homes over the plan period to which between 60-80 houses have yet to be allocated. In addition, the Inspector, when concluding the Core Strategy was sound, stressed the need for an early review of the housing numbers in the whole area. This will take place in early 2016 and will inevitably result in more housing being required in this area.
- The site represents an excellent opportunity to secure planning allocation for residential development in the medium term. We will be promoting the site through the Core Strategy review process and subsequent Site Allocations Document for inclusion as a residential development site within 3 - 5 years.
Latest Planning Update
Wiltshire's Local Plan continues to undergo review due to the Council being unable to demonstrate that it can deliver a 5-year housing supply, a position that was further confirmed at appea in October 2023. It is expected that this position will further worsen once Labour's new targets are implemented through the Planning and Infrastructure Bill.
We continue to engage with North Wiltshire to demonstrate that Holt's proposed neighbour plan is significantly deficient in delivering sufficient housing to contribute to North Wiltshires targets. The site that is currently included in the proposed plan has a more of a focus on commercial use and does not deliver and affordable hosuing. Our site remains the only viable site.